Login and Logout of myportal

How do I login and logout of the Myportal System?


  1. Navigate to http://ocosa.com and click on the "Client Portal" link.
  2. The Myportal System should appear.
  3. Login with your email address and password on file.
  4. If you do not remember your login details then has for a reminder by clicking on the "Request a Password Reminder by clicking here." link.  The details will be emailed to the email address on file.
  5. If you need to update the email address on file because yours have changed email support@ocosa.com directly and a technician will process the request upon account verification via a phone call.  Otherwise proceed to step 6.
  6. Once logged in you should see the "Client Area" After you have completed your tasks then log out.
  7. To log out click on the "Logout" link at the top of the page.
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