Login and Logout of Plesk

How do I Login and Logout of Plesk? You can access Plesk one of two ways, if you know your username and password read the "Directly to Plesk" and if you do not know your username and password read the "From Myportal".

Directly to Plesk

  1. Visit the Server url that was assigned in your welcome letter.  For example if you are assigned the linux1 server then your url is https://linux1.ocosa.net:8443.  You can also visit https://yourwebsite:8443 and you will be redirected as well.
  2. A login page will appear.  Use the login credentials provided in the welcome letter.  If you need help remembering the details to the Plesk control panel.  Submit a trouble ticket a fresh trouble ticket stating so.
  3. Once you are logged in you will see a Logout button at the top of the page.  Please click on that to log out once you are finished with your session in Plesk control panel.

From Myportal

  1. Visit https://myportal.ocosa.net and login.  If you need a reminder of the login details please click on "Request a Password Reminder by clicking here."
  2. Once you are logged in navigate to the "My Products and Services".
  3. By this time a page with a table should appear detailing what services you have.  Click on the green arrow of the correect site you wish to manage.
  4. Clicking the green arrow should bring you to the Product Details page and you will see below in the section titled "Login Details" a "Login to Plesk" button.
  5. Click on that "Login to Plesk" button and you will automatically be logged in to the Plesk control panel under your account.  If for any reason this fails try updating your password directly below in the section titled "Change Password".
  6. If that fails then submit a new ticket stating so.





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