Add a SSL Certificate on Plesk 9

You have  your SSL Cert to Plesk 9.

Steps for copying the text

  1. Login to the Plesk Control Panel.
  2. Click on "SSL Certificates"
  3. Click on the "Certificate name"
  4. Have your email or file the SSL Certificate vendor provided you ready.
  5. Copy the section of text in the email or file that says "------Web Server CERTIFICATE ---------------BEGIN CERTIFICATE to END CERTIFICATE --------"
  6. Paste what you copied into the "Certificate" section. Make sure there is no white space after you pasted it.
  7. If you were not provided anything else you or done and click "Send Text", else proceed to step 8.
  8. If you were provided the Intermediate CA you need to install that as well.
  9. Copy the section of text in the email or file that says "------INTERMEDIATE CA ---------------BEGIN CERTIFICATE to END CERTIFICATE --------"
  10. Paste what you copied into the "CA" section. Make sure there is no white space after you pasted it.
  11. Click "Send Text"
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